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Alegría de la cosecha

Technical cooperation of excellence  

Agricultural Climate Action and Sustainability

A work protocol was developed in collaboration with the International Institute for Sustainable Development (IISD) in Canada to undertake a comprehensive mapping of regulations on biodiversity and forests in various countries of LAC. It will be completed in 2024.


Participation in national and international climate events, such as the Twenty-Eighth Conference of the Parties (COP28) to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC), in Dubai.



The Home of Sustainable Agriculture of the Americas pavilion enabled the Institute to:

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Demonstrate the role of agrifood systems in driving climate solutions and fostering global food security.

Highlight the contributions of farmers and other sector stakeholders to climate adaptation and mitigation.

Establish partnerships with multiple actors to accelerate and expand action and investment, among them: 

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Raise awareness about climate action challenges, proposals and developments in the sector.


ministers and deputy ministers of Agriculture of the region attended COP28.


of the region’s countries participated in the Sharm el-Sheikh Joint Work.


events organized with more than 30 partners.


Borlaug Dialogue 2023, United States


3 panel discussions organized on:

  • Water

  • Fusarium raza 4 tropical (R4T) disease in bananas 

  • Regenerative agriculture

High-level meetings with the Vice-President of the International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD), the Minister of Agriculture of Guyana and with private sector companies.   

Held in Des Moines, Iowa 


Green Climate Fund (GCF)


“GANA-Mexico: Resilient and Low-Emission Livestock and Green Markets in Mexico/Green Climate Fund”

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USD 25,000,000 to execute the project to benefit 10 Mexican states, through the transformation of livestock production to develop more climate resilient, sustainable and low-emission systems.

Image by Meritt Thomas

Belize: “Guardians of the Forest”

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Formulation of a proposal on resilience and the creation of alternative livelihoods for various communities, which was approved by the Adaptation Fund.

Concept note submitted to the GCF for consideration.



200 policymakers, instructors and students of water resource management strengthened their capacities, with funding from the IDB.  


Saint Vincent and the Grenadines

53 agricultural stakeholders in Saint Vincent and the Grenadines improved their capacity to develop integrated strategies for soil and water management.


Value of the rice chain

Sustainable rice cultivation

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Contribution to the development of strategies to promote a change in rice cultivation practices to build greater resilience and reduce emissions in LAC countries, by exchanging lessons learned and experiences in South-South cooperation processes; formulating national and multi-country rural projects; and organizing webinars and consultation processes to create public policies to promote a more sustainable rice crop.

Application of the System of Rice Intensification (SRI) in Chile and Panama



  • The first drip irrigation system for rice cultivation was implemented, as an SRI-based innovation.  

  • In collaboration with the Agricultural Research Institute.  



  • +100 producers of rain-fed rice reduced production costs by 30%.

  • 40 cents in income generated for each balboa invested.  

  • Reduction of per hectare greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions by approximately one ton of carbon equivalent per hectare.  


EbA project in the Caribbean: ecosystem health

Use of vetiver grass to create a new market; prevent water erosion on farms; resolve marine and coastal problems; and reduce factors triggering soil degradation in upland areas, while protecting ecosystems and their services.




Hemispheric Initiative on Water and Agriculture

We are strengthening capacities and promoting strategic public-private partnerships in the member countries, to improve the integrated and efficient management of water use in agriculture, in support of the ministries of Agriculture and their key lead agencies.


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The bofedales of Bolivia

2 projects funded by the Spanish Agency for International Development Cooperation (AECID) and the EU’s EUROCLIMA are fostering the sustainable management and conservation of high-altitude wetlands (bofedales), in partnership with the “Bofedal es Vida” program. 



producers and more than 100 technicians received training in surface area estimation, mapping, participatory diagnostics and the designing of climate smart management plans.


beneficiary municipalities.



Ecuadorian Amazon


The project benefitted 3,549 families, many of them women-led, by strengthening their coffee and cocoa systems, without the need for deforestation, and increasing their productivity and the sale price for their products. 

“Production Development in the Amazon Provinces through Agricultural Innovation and Differentiated Marketing”

 Provided support to +1,200 families, in the form of equipment, production infrastructure and innovation systems, thereby boosting their product quality and competitiveness in national and regional markets.

Brazilian Amazon

Preparation of a technical document on the bioeconomy and sociobiodiversity, as key integrating factors in the Amazon countries.

In collaboration with the Brazilian Amazon Environmental Research Institute (IPAM).

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Sustainable natural resource use


  • Soil health assessment in Jamaica to inform decision-making on declining cocoa and coffee productivity across the agro-ecological zones of the country.  

  • Funded by the International Trade Centre (ITC), with technical assistance from the Jamaica Agricultural Commodities Regulatory Authority (JACRA) and the Rural Agricultural Development Authority (RADA).

Antigua and Barbuda

  • With the assistance of the Global Environment Facility (GEF), partnerships were forged with religious and educational organizations to implement hydroponic systems and to revive pineapple production, through the use of environmentally friendly technologies.

  • A mangrove nursery was also established in collaboration with BarbudanGo.


Capacity Development in Renewable Energy Use and Energy Efficiency

Terraviva Project

  • Rural communities in Bolivia, Colombia, Costa Rica and Guatemala.

  • Funded by AECID.

  • 104 producers from 5 rural communities in Bolivia benefitted from the development of pre-feasibility studies and the installation of clean energy technologies for use in production.    

  • 250 producers in Colombia benefitted from renewable energy projects, which expanded their production opportunities.

Validation of results regarding the processing and use of coffee pulp and mucilage in Colombia, thereby increasing efficiency and productivity, while reducing the costs of commercial coffee production.  

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