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Alegría de la cosecha

Technical cooperation of excellence  

Agricultural Health, Safety and Agrifood Quality

main regional integration mechanisms

The Inter-American Group for Coordination of Animal Health in the Southern Cone (GICSV), the Plant Health Committee (COSAVE) and the Permanent Veterinary Committee of the Southern Cone (PVC)—were responsible for 90% of the technical management of the various activities.

individuals participated in 20 meetings 

On international standards, reaching a consensus on improving trade in the countries of the Americas.  





persons trained 

In issues related to animal health, plant health, food safety and sanitary and phytosanitary measures, by way of more than 85 in-person/hybrid technical events and more than 130 virtual technical events.  

people from 24 countries participated 

In the virtual platform and training program in 2023, which included 4 courses.  


professionals participated in the first training activity of the newly launched Regional Center of Excellence for Latin America and the Caribbean in Pesticide Sciences, which focused on magnitude studies for chemical pesticide residues and biopesticide efficacy tests. The training was organized in partnership with the USDA, the Minor Use Foundation (MUF), the Standards and Trade Development Facility (STDF) and Universidad Nacional de Colombia.


“Improving Capacity Building and Knowledge Sharing to Support Management of Cadmium (Cd) Levels in Cocoa in Latin America and the Caribbean”

  • Funded by the STDF and the 11th European Development Fund, along with national agencies in Colombia, Ecuador, Peru and Trinidad.



  • 9 recommendations formulated to mitigate levels of cadmium in the cocoa value chain.


Colombia, Ecuador and Peru

  • Capacity strengthening in the preparation of emergency drills. 


  • 3 drills were conducted and tailored to the needs of each country, in order to address the Fusarium TR4 emergency.






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ASF: The Dominican Republic experience

  • +200 pig farmers whose operations were hit by African swine fever (ASF), received compensation, through a joint initiative with the USDA Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service (APHIS).

  • With USDA resources, technical and administrative cooperation was offered to the Ministry of Agriculture for the strategic and operational management of ASF, to contain and fight against the disease.

  • Incidents were addressed in a timely manner and compensation provided through the Agricultural Bank of the Dominican Republic.

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Pests and diseases  

IICA, along with its public and private partners, universities and donors, undertook the following:


Antigua y Barbuda

Mejora de la población y salud de las abejas afectadas por el ácaro Varroa.

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Manejo y control transfronterizo de la influenza aviar, la Fusarium R4T, el gusano barrenador y el caracol gigante.

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San Cristóbal y Nieves

Importadas 1000 plántulas in vitro de plátano de la variedad Cavendish Formosana tolerante a la R4T, que fueron aclimatadas a las condiciones del país.

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Trinidad y Tobago

+200 actores de las zonas rurales capacitados en vigilancia y diagnóstico de enfermedades del ganado (por ejemplo, especies de salmonela) en colaboración con la Organización Mundial de Sanidad Animal (OMSA), la Universidad Estatal de Washington y el Gobierno.



102 municipios de Alagoas fueron beneficiados con vacunación contra la peste porcina clásica

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Argentina, Bolivia y Chile

Intercambio de conocimientos sobre la técnica de liberación de adulto frío de la mosca de la fruta.

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Junto con la Agencia Chilena para la Inocuidad y Calidad Alimentaria, se desarrolló una propuesta metodológica para estimar los costos sociales y económicos de las enfermedades transmitidas por los alimentos.

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  • 1,800 producers from Colombia, Ecuador and Peru improved their knowledge of musaceae biosecurity, to control and prevent the entry of the TR4 fungus into their plots. 

  • The training took place in field schools, within the framework of cooperation actions between GIZ and IICA.


Prevention of the entry of Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. Cubense TR4

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14 existing initiatives and the creation of six new initiatives  

Valuing USD 10,300,000, the initiatives focused on ASF, maximum residue limits (MRLs), the AMR Mobile App, food safety, SPS, harmonization of food safety processes in LAC and the STDF.


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9 strategic partners  

  • USDA

  • Food and Drug Administration and the CODEX Office in the United States

  • STDF

  • EU

  • Minor Use Foundation (MUF)

  • WOAH

  • Program on the Global Burden of Animal Diseases (GBAD)

  • U.S. Dairy Export Council.



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